OSHA Safety Manual was one of the first safety consultants to offer compliance with ISNetworld®, PICS® Auditing and PEC Premier® and others. We are the industry leader for providing quality safety programs with genuine customer service at a reasonable price. OSHA Safety Manual has helped clients with the ISN® compliance process for many years. Our experience and expertise helps you to understand what ISNetworld® is, and how you can use it to your benefit. In addition, we will give you the necessary documents, support, and guidance specific to your company. If you are new to ISNetworld® and puzzled about the process, or simply don’t have the time to devote to maintaining your account, OSHA Safety Manual can help.
ISNetworld® RAVS®
Review and Verification Services (RAVS®) are basically a condensed description of a company’s safety program which is evaluated by ISN® as part of the review process. OSHA Safety Manual can supply and submit RAVS® on your behalf. However, we highly recommend that your company create an OSHA compliant safety program and not rely solely on your RAVS® for regulatory compliance.
Help with your Safety Programs
RAVS® are a requirement with ISNetworld®, but without a compliant safety program in place, Contractors/Suppliers can be at risk with regulatory agencies. For instance, OSHA has a number of required health and safety programs for the workplace, including Bloodborne Pathogens, Fall Protection, General Safety and Health Programs, Hazard Communication Standard, Lockout/Tagout, and more.
Questions or Concerns? Give us a call toll free at 800-347-1119
OSHA Safety Manual provides customized health and safety programs for our clients designed to meet their industry standards for regulatory compliance.
Management System Questionnaire (MSQ®)
The Management System Questionnaire® (MSQ®) is a standardized questionnaire that hiring clients (Owner/Clients) use as an evaluation tool for potential contractors. The MSQ® has three basic sections: the General Quality MSQ®, the USA MSQ®, and the Commercial MSQ®. There are upwards of 2000 questions that need to be answered to complete these questionnaires and a lot of these questions can be hard to understand, OSHA Safety Manual can help you with the completion of each section of the MSQ®.
Account Maintenance
With our “Service Agreements” (1 year, 3 year or monthly) we will maintain your overall approval rating score with your Owner/ Client at an exceptional level. Additionally, we will provide you with the following:
- The most up to date safety programs
- Maintain questionnaire standard
- Continual consultation to your accounts documentation
- Updates to Insurance, EMR Letters & OSHA Logs
- Uploading documents
- Prioritizing and responding to ISN® and Owner/Client emails
- Uploading monthly, quarterly, and yearly statistical numbers
- Communicating with insurance agents/brokers to ensure COI upload and approval
- Liaison between all parties involved
Questions or Concerns? Give us a call toll free at 800-347-1119
Additionally, one of the goals when you sign up with ISNetworld® is to add more Owner Clients to your account to increase your business. If you are under one of our “Service Agreements” and you add any new Owner/Clients to your ISNetworld® account dashboard and they were to require more or different RAVS® Safety Programs, this would be provided at no additional cost under the term of the “Service Agreement.” This allows you, to seek out new business through new Owner/Clients, with the peace of mind, that you will not have any additional costs or wasted time associated with updating your RAVS® Safety programs.
Score Improvements for your Owner Clients
OSHA Safety Manual will perform gap analysis to check for places in your account that can be improved. If you lack a specific training program, procedure, or documentation, we may be able to provide that which will improve your score and potentially bring your grade up. Some negative scores just can’t be changed, but wherever there is a chance of improvement, we can help. If you do happen to have a score that only time will change, OSHA Safety Manual can help create a mitigation plan that you can submit to your Owner/Client. This type of plan will communicate that you are aware of the problem, your plan to remedy the issue/issues, and your strategy to prevent future incidents. Mitigation plans are a useful tool that can allow you to proceed to work for your Owner/Client regardless of a negative ISN® score.
Safety Training
ISNetworld’s® Owner/Clients may require TRAVS® for account compliance. In this event, OSHA Safety Manual can either provide the training for your employees (on-site or in our office) or upload your current training documents. We offer various forms and levels of training from tailgate safety meetings, power point presentations, full training kits with DVD instruction and tests. We can also assist you on how to properly fill out the T-RAVS® Training form. For more information about this training, contact us today.