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This policy is intended to provide rules and guidelines for administering disciplinary action to XYZ INC.’S employees who violate safety rules and procedures or who, by their record or actions, indicate a disregard for safety.
Safety related disciplinary action will be administered through JOHN SMITH, the Responsible Safety Officer.
The purpose of this policy is to enhance safety awareness in all employees, and to motivate them to perform their work safely, in accordance with established safety rules, procedures, and instructions.
Listed below are conditions that could be considered for disciplinary action under the provisions of this policy:
A. Violation of a supervisor's safety related instructions.
B. Violation of established safety rules and/or procedures.
C. Violation of instructions on posted safety related signs.
D. Obvious unsafe actions as may be indicated by the improper use of equipment, horseplay or practical joking, poor housekeeping practices, etc.
E. Lack of concern toward safety instructions and programs.
The above circumstances are not intended to be all-inclusive. Any other circumstances that indicate an employee's disregard for their own safety, the safety of others, or the neglect of proper care for equipment, may also result in disciplinary action under the provisions of this policy.
The twelve (12) month period: January 1st – December 31st is defined by XYZ, INC. to be a continuous period.
Whenever a supervisor or other member of management observes an employee committing an unsafe act or creating or allowing a hazardous condition to exist, a Safety Violation Notice will be issued and recorded. A copy of the violation form will be retained in the employee's personnel folder, and each time a new violation form is received, the employee's file will be reviewed for previous violations. Where previous violations appear during any 12 month period, the sanctions listed below will be implemented.